“In The Shadows” Documentary Short Film
Film + Social
A short film created as part of the Belcourt Theatre’s Words Caught in My Throat Film Seminar for Black 7th and 8th Grade Girls, in conjunction with Metro Nashville Public Schools’ Office of Restorative Practices (2019).
Melissa Gordon, girls watched and discussed a series of short films about various aspects of black female identity. Then, through a series of hands-on activities and creative writing exercises, girls wrote original poems about times in their lives they felt silenced. Producer and co-director Meleisha Edwards and I captured the students’ personal reflections to create the short film In the Shadows. The result is a powerful, poignant first-person account of the struggles of middle school girls who feel misunderstood or invisible. Through their poems, the girls step out of the shadows to be heard.
Press: Nashville Scene
Co-Director - Meleisha Edwards
Producer - Meleisha Edwards
Director of Photography-Aisha SK
Editor - Lesa Dowdy
Special thanks to Belcourt Theatre and Allison Inman. Thank you to Melissa Gordon and Metro Nashville Public Schools